Stop Knee Pain - Add Power & Agility

Regain your independence and overcome knee pain with Nubrace PowerBoost™ Active Knee Brace, empowering you to stay active and confident.

Nubrace PowerBoost™ - In 3 easy steps

Brace Placement

Place the open brace on the back of your knee.

Close the top part securely but not too tightly. Ensure that your kneecap is centered and not covered by the brace's fabric.

Straps Closure

Close brace snugly but not too tight, keeping kneecap centered.

Insert and tighten the top wide strap (no. 1) and bottom wide strap (no. 2) into their respective loops.

First, insert top strap (no. 3) without overtightening, then bottom strap (no. 4).

Final Adjustment

Check the position and tightness of the brace and straps. Locate two loops on the sides of the shield. Pull these loops gently upward to secure the brace. Adjust the back elastic straps (no. 5 and 6) for optimal performance.

Ensure the brace offers support without any discomfort.


The information and other content on this page, or in any linked materials, are not meant and should not be interpreted as medical advice, nor is it a replacement for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other individual has a medical concern, consult your healthcare provider or seek professional medical treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice or delay seeking it due to information here or in linked materials. If you suspect a medical emergency, contact your doctor or emergency services immediately.